Sunday, June 30, 2024


The Men’s Room Basement Ghost

Submitted by Annabel K

So I work in 3rd shift custodial, everyone jokes around about the park being haunted, especially if your new. I was in my first year as a 3rd shift custodial, I had already heard all sorts of ghost stories from other cast members, so I was afraid to work alone any where in the park. At this point I hadn’t had any thing happen to me, till this night. I’ll never forget it.

So I was working in Toontown and I was assigned to work in Mickey’s basement, which is below Mickey’s house. There’s a set of bathrooms, a break room, and a small gym. I started off by cleaning the men’s bathroom then went over to the women’s bathroom. As I was in the women’s bathroom, I started to hear something moving around. I wasn’t sure what it was, I ignored it and continued to work. Then I started to sweep the gym, and again I heard something moving. This time I heard it coming from the men’s bathroom. So I shouted “hello? Anyone in the men’s bathroom?” There was no response, so I took a look in the men’s bathroom, and nothing. No one was in there. So I continue to work.

As I’m in the break room I hear it again. Something moving around in the men’s bathroom. I go look again and the trash can was in the middle of the bathroom. I just thought maybe I didn’t move it back when I was cleaning. So I move it back to the side. I go back to cleaning the break room. Then I started to sweep and mop all the floors. As soon as I started to mop, there it goes again. Movement in the men’s bathroom. I go to look and the trash can was moved again. This time it was in the opposite side of the room. That’s when I started to get scared. I moved it back and was trying to rush out of there. I had already finished the bathrooms and the gym. When I was half way done in the break room I hear the trash can move again, and this time I ignore it and try to move as fast as I can.

At this point I’m scared, I don’t even want to be down there. I’m thinking in my head “if there’s something down here, it cant hurt me. I just need to hurry, I’m almost done” and that’s when I hear, right off my left shoulder “get out” in the most creepiest voice. I kind of froze, I could feel my hairs standing straight up. I grabbed all my stuff and ran out of there. I didn’t finish moping. I was just so scared I didn’t want to finish. I just ran out of there.

Till this day, I wont step foot down there alone. After that, I had heard other stories from other cast members who had experiences down there. And every story had something to do with the men’s bathroom. From hearing things and seeing shadow figures. I have had other experiences in the park, but this one was the scariest.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Today's post I'd like to share about...

The Artist who carved Disney's Haunted Mansion's furniture:

Ciro Ronaldo Santana y Arrite

 Cuban Sculptor Carves Furniture for Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion

For Ciro Rolando Santana y Arrite, a soft-spoken, wiry little Cuban sculptor of extraordinary talent, a temporary position at Disneyland has become a springboard to the fulfillment of a longtime dream — to bring his family from an adopted home in Puerto Rico to the United States and continue his career as a sculptor.

Rolando Santana came to this country early in 1969. He had been at Disneyland for only a few weeks when the word went out from WED that new projects required the talents of an additional sculptor.

Rolando went to WED for an interview, presented his credentials, and was promptly made a member of the WED Imagineering staff.

The sculptor’s work has been exhibited in many countries throughout the Americas and in Spain. For two decades, art and educational publications have featured articles on his works.

Rolando received his formal art training as a student for seven years at Havana’s St. Alexander’s National School of Fine Arts and two years at the Havana Center of Fine Arts.

Adept in sculpturing all media, Rolando has begun the resumption of his career at WED by carving wooden furniture and ornamentation for Disneyland’s Haunted Mansion.

While one part of Rolando’s dream became a reality, the other part came true in May when his wife and three children joined him in their new home in the United States.

Friday, June 28, 2024

 More interesting tombstones to share!

Which one fascinates you the most?!

More tombstones to share in future posts!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

 Urban legends continues!

Today we are in...


Two creepy urban legends in Colorado...

The first:

Layfette Municipal Cemetery 

The Vampire Grave

There’s a vampire buried in the Lafayette Municipal Cemetery, and the surrounding town has always had strange lights and odd voices heard in the shadows. During a paranormal investigation, the grave’s occupant apparently offered to show his stake to the people gathered (*unable to find video!)

THEODORE “FODOR” GLAVA; a pale, lanky, Transylvanian immigrant came to America as many others did—seeking a better life. But all indications are that he led a modest, if not impoverished life as a coal miner, before dying in the midst of the 1918 flu epidemic. He, possibly along with another person, was buried in the municipal cemetery in Lafayette, Colorado, north of the edge of town. It wasn’t until after his death that Glava gained notoriety.

Buried in what would have been the poorest section of the old graveyard, Glava’s grave was hastily carved, and inscribed with his birthplace, year of death, and a few other words, among them “trandofir,” the Romanian word for rose.

Transylvania, where Glava originally came from, is now synonymous with Vlad the Impaler, Count Dracula, and vampires galore. Though not much is known about Glava’s life, the mention of Transylvania on his gravestone spurred rumors that he was a vampire. It is thought that a tall, pale, lanky man from that region would be an easy target for untrusting settlers, stoking rumors, or attempting to explain away natural happenings with superstition.

Local lore says that some townspeople dug up the grave and found blood by Glava’s mouth, his teeth seeming larger than normal, and his nails still growing. (Even if true, these are all natural parts of the decay that sets in after death.) The settlers drove a stake through his heart and reburied him.

Now a tree, unlike any other around it grows straight through the grave plot. Some say the tree grew from the wooden stake, and the red rose bushes nearby grew from his fingernails.

Rumors even persist to this day that residents from the local area see a mysterious figure walking around late at night. So who is to say if he was a vampire or nothing more than an innocent man caught up in wild superstition. If you do go looking for yourself, bring Fodor a small gift, a coin, a trinket  or maybe even a bouquet of dead roses… just leave the garlic at home.

Denver Airport 

Portal to Hell

The portal to hell is believed to be at *drumroll please* the Denver International Airport. Conspiracy theorists and select locals share the belief that the Denver International Airport might provide a direct connection to the underworld.

Several bizarre accidents have occurred on the property, fueling the legend. Not to mention, mysterious architectural details, such as gargoyle statues and murals depicting fires, add to the theory.

But it's the statue of a demonic red-eyed horse that features one of the most disturbing stories of all. While crafting the statue, a piece fell on its maker, severing an artery and ultimately killing him. The statue was completed by the artist's estate and it currently greets travelers as they land on the airstrip.


Next stop...


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

 I found some information on the History of the Haunted Mansion - stateside and worldwide!


The Haunted Mansion is a haunted house dark ride located at Disneyland, the Magic Kingdom (Walt Disney World), and Tokyo Disneyland. Phantom Manor, a significantly re-imagined version of The Haunted Mansion, is located exclusively in Disneyland Paris, and the newest rendition at Hong Kong Disneyland which is called Mystic Manor. The Haunted Mansion features a ride-through tour in Omnimover vehicles called "Doom Buggies," preceded by a walk-through show in the queue. The attraction showcases a number of age-old tricks, advanced special effects, and spectral Audio-Animatronics.

Disneyland Version, Anaheim, California

The Hall Of Portraits which guests pass through after they step off the elevator.

Entering the queuing area through a pair of ornate gates, guests find themselves in the mansion's well-tended gardens and courtyards. The queuing path leads guests past a pet cemetery, a mausoleum with pun names, and a white carriage hearse led by an invisible horse. The path leads guests onto the porch, where they are led into the mansion's foyer by somber house servants.

At the foyer, the Ghost Host (voiced by Paul Frees) welcomes the guests as the Cast Members usher them into the first room: an octagonal portrait gallery. The door slides closed and the tour begins.

As the Ghost Host taunts his guests, the room begins to "stretch." The portraits on the walls elongate, revealing the fates of previous guests as follows:a bearded gentleman holding a document wearing only his undergarments from the waist down and standing atop a lit keg of dynamite, a pretty young lady holding a parasol balancing on a fraying tightrope above the gaping jaws of an alligator, Constance Hatchaway holding a rose while sitting atop a tall gravestone, at the bottom of which is a stone bust of her husband George with a hatchet embedded in his head and a man in a bowler hat sitting on the shoulders of another man, who sits on the shoulders of a third man who is waist-deep in quicksand.

“...And consider this dismaying observation: this chamber has no windows and no doors... which offers you this chilling challenge: to find a way out! Of course, there's always my way...”

A sudden thunderclap later, the lights go out and the ceiling vanishes, revealing the cupola above, and in it is the skeletal corpse of the Ghost Host dangling from the noose, illuminated by flashes of lightning. After a few seconds, the room becomes pitch black and a dreadful scream is heard, followed by the sound of bones shattering.

Guests are then led down a hall of portraits. As lightning flashes from the windows on the left wall, the portraits on the opposite wall transform into images of corpses and monsters. At the far end of the hall, two statuary busts depicting a man and a woman are stationed. As the guests move past, these two statues appear to turn and follow them with their gaze.

Next, guests step into a dark and misty loading area, where they are guided to their carriages, or "Doom Buggies." The Ghost Host lowers the safety bars, provides the safety spiel, and the journey begins. The Doom Buggies glide upstairs to the second floor and point guests toward a hallway with no apparent end. A candelabra can be seen floating in the distance of the misty passage. Near the entrance stands a haunted, moving suit of armor.

Turning away from the endless hall, guests travel past a conservatory filled with dead, withered plants and flowers. In the middle of the room is a coffin occupied by a restless "guest" attempting to get out. Perched near the coffin is a black raven with glowing red eyes.

The Doom Buggies continue down a corridor lined with doors. The sounds of pounding, screeching, calls for help, and maniacal laughter can be heard. Door knockers and handles are moved by unseen hands, and some doors appear to be "breathing." The walls, covered in demon-faced wallpaper, are adorned with daguerreotypes of corpses and a large painting of the Ghost Host. A demonic grandfather clock chimes 13 as the hands spin wildly backwards, and the shadow of a claw passes over it.

Guests enter a dark séance room full of floating musical instruments. Madame Leota, a medium whose disembodied head appears within a crystal ball, summons the mansion's spirits while levitating above her table. Madame Leota's incantations goes something like this:

"Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat

Call in the spirits, wherever they're at.

Rap on a table, it's time to respond

Send us a message from somewhere beyond.

Goblins and ghoulies from last Halloween

Awaken the spirits with your tambourine.

Creepies and crawlies, toads in a pond

Let there be music from regions beyond.

Wizards and witches wherever you dwell

Give us a hint by ringing a bell."

Next, guests pass onto the balcony of a magnificent ballroom where the happy haunts have materialize. A ghostly birthday party appears to be taking place at the dining table (a dinner plate and two saucers on the left side of the table combine to make a "Hidden Mickey"). Some spirits sit on the chandeliers, drinking, while other ghosts enter the hall from an open coffin in a hearse. A ghost wraps his arm around a woman bust, and two portraits of men with guns come to life, dueling with their pistols. A ghost plays an organ (Captain Nemo's original organ from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea), while spirits float up out of the pipes and transparent couples waltz nearby.

The attic is an irregularly shaped room that the Doom Buggies enter immediately after the ballroom scene. It features a collection of gifts, personal items, mementos, and wedding portraits. In each portrait, the same bride is featured with a different groom, whose heads disappear to the accompaniment of a hatchet sound. Eagle-eyed guests may notice that with each successive photograph, the bride gains another string of pearls. Just before the Doom Buggies leave the attic, the same ghost bride from the pictures, Miss Hatchaway is seen floating in the air, intoning macabre wedding vows. As she raises her arms, a hatchet appears in her hands.

The Doom Buggies drift out a window, turn around, and tip backwards down a fifteen percent grade surrounded by dark, ghoulish trees with knotted expressions. On a branch overhead, a raven caws at the guests.

The Doom Buggies reach the ground, and turn towards the gate of the graveyard. There stands a caretaker, one of the few living characters in the entire attraction, his knees shaking in fright and an expression of terror on his face. Beside him is his emaciated dog, whining and whimpering. Around the corner, a ghostly band of minstrels plays a jazzy rendition of "Grim Grinning Ghosts".

Ghouls pop up from behind tombstones, a king and queen balance on a teeter-totter, a duchess swings back and forth from a tree branch, and a skeletal hell hound howls from behind them. The Doom Buggies travel down a hill and turn to see five singing busts continuing the song of "Grim Grinning Ghosts."

Next, guests encounter a tea party of ghosts surrounding a hearse stuck in the mud. An arm protrudes out of a crypt with a wine glass in its bony hand, while banshees ride bikes in the distance. Nearby, the ghost of a hearing-impaired wise old man struggles to understand the words of an awakened mummy through a hearing horn.

The Doom Buggies turn to face two "phantoms of the opera," blasting their voices up into the night. Beside them are three other ghosts — a decapitated knight, his executioner, and a prisoner — who also join in the song.

Guests pass a spirit bricking himself into his own tomb. At this point, the Ghost Host catches up with the guests as they enter a crypt where they encounter the Hitchhiking Ghosts. Passing by large mirrors, guests discover that one of the trio has hitched a ride in their Doom Buggy.

The last apparition guests see as they exit the mansion is a tiny spectral figure named the Ghost Hostess—who encourages them to:

“Hurry back... be sure to bring your death certificate, if you decide to join us. Make final arrangements now. We've been ‘dying’ to have you…”

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

 Pumpkin Buns with Cinnamon Sugar

Pumpkin Buns:

  • 1/4 cup Fresh yeast (or 1 1/2 teaspoons dry Instant yeast) 
  • 3/4 cup room temp milk (full fat) 
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin purée
  • 1 room temp egg 
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 4 cups all-purpose flour 
  • 2.5 teaspoons pumpkin spice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup room-temperature butter
  • Cinnamon sugar coating  

  • 1/2 cup grams butter 
  • 1 1/2 cup granulated sugar 
  • 3 tablespoons ground cinnamon
  • Cinnamon sticks for decor [optional]


  • In a bowl, dissolve the yeast into the room temp milk. Mix until completely combined. 
  • In a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, add the yeast/milk mixture. 
  • Add the sugar, egg, pumpkin purée, spices, half of the flour, and the room temp butter. 
  • Mix until a sticky dough forms.
  • Add the salt and the rest of the flour.
  • Keep mixing until gluten forms. The dough should be smooth, stretchy, and sticky (about 10-15 min in a stand mixer, double by hand) 
  • Leave the dough to rest for 20 minutes.
  • Divide the dough into 17 pieces.
  • Roll each piece into a smooth ball.
  • Cut 4 (for each pumpkin) x 17 (pumpkins in all) strands of cooking string (About 10 inches long) 
  • Lay 4 pieces of cooking string in a crisscross pattern. 
  • Place a ball of dough on top and tie together each string loosely (if you tie too tight the string will bake into the dough)
  • Place the buns on baking sheets fitted with parchment paper (6 pieces per sheet) 
  • Let rise to room temp for about 2-3 hours depending on temperature.
  • Preheat the oven to 395 degrees
  • Bake in the middle of the oven for about 10-15 min until they’re golden. 
  • Let it cool.
  • Carefully cut and remove all of the strings. 
  • Melt the butter for the cinnamon-sugar coating.
  • In a small bowl, mix together the sugar and the cinnamon. 
  • Brush each bun with butter one at a time (make sure you get every crease and make sure you have an even layer of butter, otherwise, the sugar will clump up)
  • Holding the bun over the cinnamon-sugar bowl, Grab a spoon and pour the cinnamon sugar on top, covering every side and every crease until it’s all covered. 
  • Set aside and finish the rest.
  • Once they’re all covered, cut the cinnamon sticks into smaller pieces and place them in the middle of the buns for decoration [optional]
  • Done!

Monday, June 24, 2024

Another spooky story from a Disneyland employee who worked within New Orleans Square!

New Orleans & Toontown Encounters
Submitted by Mike A.

I worked custodial from 2002-2004 and had some bizarre things happen to me. One night in New Orleans I was emptying the trash from the exit of Haunted Mansion (right where the escalator ramp takes you up). I came the back way down the employee stairs and saw an elderly woman in an antique looking wheelchair sitting in the hallway, I thought nothing of it and opened the door to where the trash can was. As I held the door open with my foot tying the trash bag I thought to myself “What was that guest doing in an employee only hallway? The park has been closed for a while”. When I turned back into the hallway not even 5 seconds later the lady was gone.
I was kind of creeped out but shrugged it off and went about my business. As the night went on I could not stop thinking about that woman in the wheelchair. It wasn’t the rental wheelchairs, this one looked like it was made of wood. I finished my shift and forgot about it. I used to hear tons of stories from coworkers about certain areas being haunted so I would always wander around the park exploring.

Disney is creepy when it is empty so I can see why people would have stories of being watched or have strange feelings. I remember sweeping the line for Roger Rabbit one night and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man standing near me in a navy blue t shirt and black Dickies style shorts. I asked if he needed anything and when I looked up he was gone. I walked pretty fast all the way through the line looking for him and nobody was in there. Nobody was in there because Toontown was closed. It seemed like everyone had a Haunted Mansion, haunted bathroom, Tom Sawyer or Toontown story so I kept the strange things that happened to me to myself. I felt like nobody would believe me anyway.
A few months later I was talking with a woman that had worked there for a long time. Someone had committed suicide in the parking structure that summer so we were talking about deaths in the park and the possibilities of the supernatural. She told me a story about sweeping inside the Haunted Mansion at the bottom of the elevators after the park closed and seeing an elderly woman in a wheelchair, when she looked up to speak to her, the room was empty. ….

I thought to myself “NO WAY how familiar”. I didn’t tell her what happened to me but I had a lump in my throat and felt pretty creeped out for a long time. I was always curious about spirits and the supernatural but wasn’t sure I believed in that kind of stuff. I’m still not sure I believe in that stuff but I cannot explain who those people were or where they came from.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Today I'd like to share a fabulous crock pot dinner recipe that IS SO EASY AND SO YUMMY!


It's the BEST Crockpot Chicken Alfredo recipe, so easy to make! Juicy shredded chicken and pasta in a creamy homemade alfredo sauce. This is a great recipe for busy dinners and easy cleanups.


  • Chicken – boneless skinless chicken breasts work the best.
  • Cream cheese – cream cheese adds creaminess to the alfredo sauce!
  • Butter – unsalted butter is what we want.
  • Garlic – freshly minced garlic is best. You can also use garlic powder if you don’t have fresh garlic.
  • Seasoning – salt and pepper is all we used but you can add a little bit of Cajun Seasoning for the kick in the pasta dish!
  • Chicken broth – balances the thickness of the dish.
  • Heavy cream – gives that perfect creaminess and consistency to the pasta.
  • Pasta – we like penne pasta, but any other short pasta will work. You don’t need to cook your pasta; add it to the crockpot uncooked.
  • Parmesan cheese – you can use pre-grated parmesan cheese or grate fresh cheese.

  • Cook chicken and cream – Add the chicken breast, cream cheese, butter, garlic, seasoning, broth, and heavy whipping into your slow cooker and cook on high for 2-3 hours or low for 4-5 until the chicken is fully cooked.
  • Cook pasta – Remove the chicken and shred, return to the crockpot with the pasta and parmesan cheese, and cook on high for about 35-40 minutes, or until the pasta is fully cooked.
  • Serve – Top with freshly grated parmesan and chopped greens and serve.

For me - I personally add more cream, cream cheese and cheese - I like my alfredo thicker!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Today I'd like to share with you photos of Tim Burton's Art Exhibitions in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Internationally.

Click here to go directly to Tim Burton's site

I had the wonderful opportunity to attend in 2011 in Los Angeles.

My hubby got us tickets to attend for a birthday gift. I was so excited!

It was absolute elation to see the original puppets of Jack Skellington and Nightmare Before Christmas characters, Corpse Bride and other Corpse Bride characters, Frankenweenie characters, Toys characters, and more and more - I was in awe!

Then the hand drawings on napkins, paper, and anything else Tim Burton doodled on was on display!

And then the movies props placed here and there - FABULOUS!

HOWEVER, the sad part (yes, there was sadness!) was NO  photographing was allowed inside...NONE. The reason - well of course to purchase The World of Tim Burton's Art Book. My sweet hubby tried numerous times to take a photo of me with the Pumpkin Scarecrow in Sleepy Hollow...but we got caught each and every time...

So of course...I bought the book...

which I do absolutely love!

Click here to purchase it, and other great merchandise!

From the schedule of Tim Burton's Art Exhibition - I do not see any dates in America at this time.

However, if dates do arise, I will be sure to post them!

I would recommend going to this exhibition if you're a Tim Burton fan - it's a must and you won't regret it!