Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Today I'd like to share photos of interesting 

tombstones - most are creepy, some very sad, some very elaborate, some with an curious unknown history...

Many of the elaborate tombstones are located throughout Europe - I find them fascinating! I am on the hunt to share even more!

The tombstones at the end have also encouraged me to do future posts on each of the victims who were wrongly accused and executed for supposed witchcraft (not just in Salem MA) look for those posts as well. 

 Not and actual monster! Monster was the baby's 
last name...

Story goes, that the Yazoo Witch knocked this tombstone over for revenge! But you'll hear more about the Yazoo Witch in another post!

Wow  - quite a work of art...

Sisters who died very close together due to genetic issues...

True love has no boundaries!

This cat actually lived 31 years and was so loved that the owner insisted she'd be buried right next to her...

Again, love knows no boundaries...

Creepy level : 10

This is a tombstone in Germany. I have to research more on this - it is bizarrely creepy...who would choose such a statute for one's tombstone and why...?
Mystery to be solved in future posts!

Victims of the Salem Witch Trials 
Mass hysteria cost the lives of many innocent people accused of witchcraft - in America and worldwide.

The Salem Witch Trials executed 19 innocent people.
Below are the gravestones (or memorials - it is said that after being accused then executed for witchcraft, the bodies of the condemned were thrown into a ravine. It was after dark that some of those bodies were recovered by family and properly buried in unmarked graves to retain secrecy and respect for those executed)

This is husband and wife, Giles and Martha Gorey...both accused as being witches. Both were outspoken upon those who were accusing others of witchcraft with false claims and hearsay...

Martha refused to "acknowledge" she was a witch, even if it could have saved her life. She stood firm against the false accusations against her - she was hung.

Giles also stood firm and refused to be bullied - and because of his boldness he, unlike the others, was not hung - but crushed to death with massive rocks. 
It was rumored that as he as being crushed to death, he repeatedly displayed defiance and said "MORE", as in more rocks. It has also been rumored that at some point his tongue gushed out of his mouth and his accusers pushed it back in...

Another victim of Salem With Trials - she became irritated at the accusations of those conducting the witch hunts in Salem, MA - and therefore became a target, accused of witchcraft, and hung by execution.

More interesting tombstones coming in future posts, as well a homage to those who lost their live due to witchcraft hysteria...

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