Friday, June 21, 2024

 Today's post I'm sharing more tombstones - some creepy, some funny, and some so sad...

Dedicated from one sister to another and remembering her love for music...

Creepy - and SSSOOOOO much detail

MORE THAN CREEPY - notice the dead ring of grass around tombstone - salt perhaps to fend off evil spirits?

Dedicated to a much loved daughter from her heartbroken parents

Cages were sometimes used to keep gravediggers out, but some insist it's to keep the dead from rising...!

I guess they wanted the best reception they can get!

This is soooooo creepy - and I like it.

WOW - now that's a Disney fan!

Love is eternal

A tree swallows a tombstone - ccrreeppyy!

Sad story of a mother who had lost her child: when her child when alive she was very fearful of storms, so the mother had an area under ground, next to where the child's coffin would be so the mother could comfort her deceased child even after death...

Another sad story of parents who wanted to protect their deceased daughter from the outside elements who was also fearful of storms.
It is said that this tombstone is haunted and during storms the statue of the little girl disappears and returns after storm passes...

More interesting tombstones coming in future posts!

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