Monday, June 3, 2024

 Today I'd like to share my first clay sculpture!

I have been so inspired by Anthony at Ace of Clay to create with clay! So I designed a Monster Candy Corn Sculpture as my first project!

Sort of like my Monster Candy Corns I create out of fabric - BUT CREEPIER!

He came out just as I had designed! I prefer to sketch out my design first so I don't forget any details.

I loved the process, although I had a few bumps:

  • His stump/foot cracked due to pushing the sculpture back and caused the aluminum wire to bend the sculpture back cracking off the piece. Easy repair though!

  • The watered down paint wash caused the base coat of paint to rub off - so I'm choosing the dry brush method to avoid this.

THE BIG lesson learned is too TAKE MY TIME. 

With sewing and painting my art dolls, mistakes are minimal and I've been doing it so long I can do them all rather quickly. 

CLAY HOWEVER, I have too learn to take my time, and walk away if necessary. 

Also - not to go so thin on the clay, it is a delicate medium to work with.

Already started my 2nd sculpture:

ALICE IN WONDERLAND - Burtonesque style. 

She's more detailed, and I actually think I over detailed her, especially being my 2nd sculpture attempt. 

Already had a few mishaps, but, like I said - I'm taking my time, wrapping her up wet and work on her daily. Fingers crossed!

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