Sunday, March 24, 2024

 A time for healing...

Last year I posted about this time on Instagram of my entry to the Orange County Fair Fiber Arts Art Doll Competition.

I created a moving mermaid holding a Monarch Butterfly that also moves - both spectacular! I pushed myself creatively and she came out just as I had envisioned.

Of course I am competitive, and of course I desired to win - but I also expect to be judged fairly. That was not the case last year for myself and the other competitors.

We were ALL judged unfairly...

The Category in which myself and the other competitors submitted our entries to is FIBER ARTS.

The definition of fiber arts is:

"Fiber art is a style of fine art which uses textiles such as fabric, yarn, and natural and synthetic fibers".

All but one entry met the qualifications of Fiber Arts. And that one entry was chosen as the winner. That individual supposedly created a clay doll, wearing store bought dress and shoes.

Clay is not fiber. This entry was completely in the wrong category, and should have been properly placed in a different category allowing myself and the other competitors an opportunity to be judged fairly. Supposedly the judges chosen are "experts" in the category in which they are judging, but in this instance none of them were able to decipher that clay is not fiber.

The other competitors of actual fiber art entries were very imaginative and creative! Entries included a 5 foot hot dog! But all judged unfairly.

I sent an email to the OC Fair Coordinator Christine Gunst informing her of the blatant misjudging in this category and of the unfair judging not just for myself but for the other competitors who followed the standards and guidelines. There was no response whatsoever.

Supposedly I "won" 2nd place and the "judges" marked my entry as only 50% fiber - which clearly is incorrect. I refused the monies awarded, the medallion, and the award. I wasn't going to accept whatever "compensation" they were bestowing knowing they were purposely misjudging. Clay is not fiber PERIOD.

And Christine Gunst, the OC Fair, and those judges should be ashamed that they denied proper judging for 5 competitors who met the requirements, awarding one that did not met those same requirements.

Needless to say - I will not be participating again until OC Fair acknowledges this incident to ensure proper fair judgment is applied for all competitors and their work in future competitions.

If anyone knows of the other OC Fair Fiber Arts competitors who lost unfairly last year, please pass this along to them. They should've had the opportunity to be judged fairly.

Thanks for all your support! is the email of the individual who oversees entries and competitions at the OC Fair.

My beautiful hand designed, hand sewn and painted mermaid:

The supposed "winner" for Fiber Arts Art Doll:

OC Fair and those judges should be ashamed.

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